Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Home... and other musings...

So it's been forever since I've last wrote, and it seems like a lot has happened. Not just with me, but with the world...

Coming home was nice-- it was great to see everyone and to get settled back into life here. The first thing I did was to attend my 10 year high school reunion, which was so great. Not just because I got to see my old friends, but also because I got to connect with a few people I WASN'T friends with in high school but who are amazing people. I'm really impressed with my former classmates. Personally and professionally, they all seem so happy and successful! It was really great to see. And people had taken such different roles-- mother/father, career ladder-climber, traveler, academic-- seeing how happy everyone was in THEIR path confirmed to me how happy I was in MINE. I definitely question that sometimes, but in my heart I know I've made the right decisions for me.

Being back home is great. Seeing family and friends, having my own bed, thinking about next steps. It's been nice having some time off before I start my job, and although I DO like being on vacation, I'm excited about what's to come! Nervous, of course, but excited!

Speaking of that... my IMMEDIATE next step is in the physical realm-- my hair! I'm planning to cut off 10 inches to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, a program that gives free wigs to cancer survivors. I'm excited about it! I've never had the discipline before to wait until my hair was long enough to cut. So here are the before pics... stay tuned for "after"!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

You are such an inspiration! The last time I cut that much hair off was in high school...and now you're totally making me want to wait and do it again for a good cause.