Monday, May 12, 2008

Rockin' in the Free World...

Some people may know that I started singing/playing in a band this year. It's been one of the most amazing parts of my time at Haas, and I truly love the guys who I play with. We are all going our own ways this summer, so I guess "the band is breaking up," but who knows? Maybe a reunion tour in 2018?

We played an amazing show for a huge group of friends last week. Here are some pictures:

And, on a slightly different topic, a video that my friends Jeff and Monty and I put together with a bunch of Haasies...

Sunday, May 11, 2008

A few big things!

The last few weeks have been a little crazy-- but generally in a good way! The big event in my life was the Napa Valley Sprint Triathlon that I did last weekend. To most athletes, this event isn't a big deal, but due to my crazy fear of water, it was a huge goal for me. I've been trying to do a triathlon for about 2 years now, but always managed to find an excuse not to. Finally, in my last semester of business school, I actually did it.

It was an amazing and fun experience, and I'm glad I got to do it with about 20 of my Haas classmates. The day was beautiful and I had a great time. I think I may actually want to do another one!

This really proved to me that if I set a goal and work really hard, I can accomplish it. Not exactly profound, but I guess I thought that might not apply to certain things (like Triathlons!)

Above are a few pictures to remember the day by...