Friday, November 28, 2008


Clearly I'm not great at this blogging thing. I can't decide if I want it to be a personal blog, or a blog that reflects what's happening in the world. And, I suppose, you can't really separate the two...

This is a really bizarre time in our country's, and nation's, history. I'm thrilled to say that Barack Obama won the election, making him the 44th President of the United States. I think his election represents a collective desire for major change in this country, and I am proud of that desire. However, he is up against a lot of serious odds: a slowing economy, a seemingly endless war, and, perhaps worst of all, ridiculously high expectations. I am confident that he will manage these expectations well and do his best to steer the country in a healthier direction, towards a healthier image in the world.

It's the Thanksgiving holiday, and even though I'm very thankful for my life and everything I have, I'm saddened by a lot of things in this world. Namely, the horrific attacks that have been occurring in Mumbai over the last 48 hours. Close to 150 are confirmed dead, and hundreds more injured. It's tragic that people can inflict such pain on others.

I offer my thoughts and prayers to those in Mumbai and around the world that are suffering from these attacks. But as I watch and read the barrage of news stories covering the event, I continuously ask myself-- will such violence and hate in this world ever end? The realistic answer is, of course not. But how will things get better? I can only hope that this is a low point in the history of our time, and that things can-- and WILL-- change.

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